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Safecoat DynoFlex - Natural Tan


Products in this Consumer Product Information Database (CPID) are classified based on their composition:
Substances: single chemicals
Preparations: products which contain chemicals that can be easily separated during normal use
Articles: products or product assemblies that do not contain chemicals that can be separated out from the product or assembly under normal or advertised use.



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Brand Information
Date entered: March 07, 2006

DESCRIPTION: Safecoat DynoFlex is a unique, water based, low odor elastomeric sealer that comes in a paste-like compound for sealing seams, joints and cracks in new and old heating and air conditioning ducts, and for repairing metal roofs and asphalt shingles. Also comes in a sprayable form that can be used over Safecoat DynoSeal as a topcoat for roofs and decks. Safecoat DynoFlex is highly resistant to harsh weather and temperature changes. It remains flexible and prevents leaks even after exposure to the elements or contraction due to weather It is resistant to gasoline, oil, grease, fungi, acids, alkalines and flame spread. Safecoat DynoFlex is also a superb sound deadener.

Purpose of product.

Home maintenance

Structure such as solid, liquid, aerosol etc.

Customer Service No: 800-239-0321
Manufacturer Information

Date when validity of Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) or Safety Data Sheet (SDS) was last verified.

Date verified: March 07, 2006
American Formulating & Manufacturing

350 West Ash St., Ste. 700  
San Diego CA 95123

619-239-0321 N/A
800-239-0321 (TOLL FREE)